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Presidential    PLATFORM

Chapter 282 President, Anthony W. Lee, JD  

Dear Chapter 282,


Every employee should feel safe and secure when they come to work, especially in the federal government workplace. NTEU shares your concerns over the recent positive water testing results showing Legionella bacteria contamination within FDA buildings at College Park, Silver Spring (WO), and Rockville in Maryland. NTEU282 is taking this matter very seriously and have implemented the following steps to ensure that employees’ health and safety are protected:


  1. Contacting OSHA: We have reached out to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for guidance on the necessary measures the FDA should take to protect all employees.

  2. Engaging with CDC and NIOSH: We have been in contact with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). We have formally requested a Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) of all impacted buildings by the CDC.

  3. Notification to the FDA/NTEU Health and Safety Committee: As a Co-chair on this committee, I have briefed the members of it and requested additional support to gain the actual water testing results and greater transparency from the agency on what remediation measures will be implemented for buildings that have shown a positive test result for Legionella bacteria. 

  4. Coordinating with Maryland State Health Officials: We are in communication with Maryland State Government health officials to determine their necessary involvement.

  5. Communicating with FDA Leadership: We have engaged with FDA Senior leadership, including raising the issue with the Deputy Commissioner for Foods, to demand more transparency regarding the situation and the steps being taken to remediate the Legionella contamination in the water systems of FDA buildings.

  6. Requesting Air Sampling/Testing: We have requested that the FDA conduct air sampling and testing to ensure possible exposure to Legionella bacteria is limited.

  7. Seeking Congressional Support: If we do not receive the level of transparency that employees deserve, we will need your assistance in raising this issue with our congressional contacts.


In the meantime, we encourage all employees who have concerns about coming into FDA buildings due to the water contamination to request remote work (100% telework). This can be done by sending an email to your immediate supervisor and citing the water testing notices sent to employees (see attached).


If any employee is denied a request to remote work after requesting such based on the cited water safety issues, please contact me and so that the union can work with your center/office union stewards to provide any necessary assistance.


For those employees unable to fully work remotely due to the nature of your FDA work please communicate with your supervisors to make arrangements to work from home as much as possible. When at the worksite your supervisor should be able to direct you to where agency provided water bottles can be located.


Your union will keep you informed as more information becomes available.


Additionally, this is the last week for our membership recruitment drive with the increased incentive rebate ($180) for joining the union. If you are not already a member, please join the union today or before 9/7/24 to be eligible for the incentive rebate and help NTEU increase its influence and strength at FDA.


In Solidarity,

Anthony Lee


Join the Union:


If you haven’t already, consider joining the union: . It’s a powerful way to have your voice heard and actively participate in shaping our workplace.

Your Voice Matters:

  • Attend the upcoming meetings.

  • Engage in constructive dialogue.

  • Raise any concerns or questions you may have.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment. Our shared efforts will shape the future of the Human Foods Program and FDA.

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