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Hold the Line.  DO NOT RESIGN!  

Another message has been sent directly to the federal workforce from the OPM group behind “the fork in the road” messaging, titled “FORK IN THE ROAD FAQs”. The message is written to entice you to leave your career behind by resigning in return for vague promises with NO GUARANTEES. The intent behind this offer is so they can achieve their stated goal of removing 10 percent or more of the federal workforce without any regard for the important work you do or the services you provide. Think about that. They don’t even try to hide their disdain for you by making outright false and condescending statements.  How dare they suggest that your career equates to “lower productivity jobs” or suggest that you “stay at home and relax.” As they are falsely attacking employees who have for decades delivered for the American people while teleworking, they are now saying they will pay them to NOT work for months. Does that make any sense to you?

The responses to the FAQs are written to sell you on this offer. These statements do not reflect reality and are an insult to the highly skilled, and experienced workforce, vital to the functioning of all federal agencies. The guidance provided is questionable at best and possibly violates the rules of conduct that federal employees are required to follow.

Don’t be fooled. Don’t follow this OPM group’s guidance.




Telework & Remote Work BREAKING NEWS 

You may have received an HHS-wide email on Friday, January 24, 2025, at 5:17 PM ET, from Acting HHS Secretary Dorothy A. Fink, titled "Information: Return to In-Person Work."


Please note: This notice does not apply to NTEU members and bargaining unit employees.


Specifically, section "2g" of the document attached to Ms. Fink’s email which was sent to your government email address states:


"Workplace Flexibility Agreements (i.e., remote and telework agreements) for bargaining unit employees will not be modified until labor obligations have been met. Supervisors should not begin discussions around the return to in-person work with bargaining unit employees until HHS fulfills its collective bargaining obligations. We will notify you when HHS completes notification and any negotiations around notice to bargaining unit employees."


This means that your current Workplace Flexibility Agreement (for telework or remote work) remains in effect. You are not required to return to in-person work based on this notice. 


The union will continue to monitor this situation closely and provide you with updates and guidance as it becomes available.

NTEU Chapter 282 has filed a formal petition with the FDA and GSA regarding the ongoing issue of Legionella bacteria contamination in several FDA buildings.


The presence of Legionella bacteria in the water in any FDA building is unacceptable.

  • The union strongly opposes the declaration of "full remediation" until:

    • Every building has been definitively shown to be free of Legionella bacteria.

    • All recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including those outlined in the CDC Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE), have been fully implemented.


Crucially, the CDC evaluation and recommendations are still outstanding.

Join the Petition:

We urge you to sign NTEU282's petition demanding a safe and healthy work environment.


Together, we can ensure the safety and well-being of all FDA employees.

Parked School Buses
Man Holding Flyer

Presidential    PLATFORM

Chapter 282 President, Anthony W. Lee, JD  

Dear Chapter 282,

I'm writing to provide you with some important updates from The Union and to assure you that we are here to support you.


Staying Connected:

  • NTEU is transitioning to communicate primarily through home email addresses. This ensures you receive important updates directly.


Union Membership:

A strong union is essential for protecting your rights. Not everyone in the bargaining unit is automatically a union member. Unless you have completed a membership application to become part of NTEU you are not a member of the union. If you haven't already, please consider joining NTEU today: Join NTEU - National Treasury Employees Union - NTEU . Additional step-by-step instructions and information on how to join NTEU can be found in the attached documents or on our website: Join 282 | NTEU282 .


Return to Work Orders:

Many of you have questions about the recent "Return to Work" statement, which was not issued as an executive order. A message from the NTEU National President was sent to your home email clarifying what the statement means for federal employees (check your spam folder if you missed it).

Here's the good news: Due to NTEU-negotiated protections, you should expect to continue teleworking and/or remote work as usual.

  • If you receive written instructions to return to work that contradict your WFA (workplace flexibilities agreement) or the union contract, please forward them to me immediately ( and/or .)

  • If you receive verbal orders, request them in writing.

The union contract can be found here for your reference: HHS/NTEU 2023 National Agreement

We will continue to monitor the situation and provide additional guidance, if needed.


DEIA and Health Equity Order:

We are deeply concerned that some colleagues have been placed on administrative leave for their DEIA or health equity work. If you've received an "Administrative Leave Letter" related to this, please forward it to me ( and/or .)

NTEU is committed to supporting impacted employees and is actively exploring ways to assist you.


Join NTEU282's Petition for Safe Drinking Water at FDA

NTEU282 has filed a formal petition with the FDA and GSA regarding the ongoing issue of Legionella bacteria contamination in several FDA buildings.

The presence of Legionella bacteria in the water in any FDA building is unacceptable.

  • The union strongly opposes the declaration of "full remediation" until:

    • Every building has been definitively shown to be free of Legionella bacteria.

    • All recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including those outlined in the CDC Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE), have been fully implemented.​​

Crucially, the CDC evaluation and recommendations are still outstanding.

Join the Petition:

We urge you to sign NTEU282's petition demanding a safe and healthy work environment.

The petition has been sent to all member's home email addresses and will soon be available on our website: Home | NTEU282 .

Together, we can ensure the safety and well-being of all FDA employees.


Chapter Meeting:

We will be holding a members only chapter meeting in the coming weeks. Stay tuned to your home email for registration information.


In these uncertain times, NTEU Chapter 282 remains your strong advocate. We will continue to communicate with you at your home email address and always fight for your rights.




In Solidarity,

Anthony Lee


Join the Union:


If you haven’t already, consider joining the union: . It’s a powerful way to have your voice heard and actively participate in shaping our workplace.

Your Voice Matters:

  • Attend the upcoming meetings.

  • Engage in constructive dialogue.

  • Raise any concerns or questions you may have.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment. Our shared efforts will shape the future of the Human Foods Program and FDA.

BREAKING: 282's very own Podcast it out

Data Technology

 New(s) at 282


VR Goggles
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